Friday, June 5, 2009


There is little in this world that hurts me so much as seeing someone I care for in pain with there being nothing I can do to fix it. That is a pain without measure. ~ Me


There is a special bond between Fonce and I. I won't say its a bond he shares with no others of the Camp, I just mean that it is special to me. He and I are friends. He is a confidant, and he has been a mentor to me. That started when he was my Guardian before Sahli claimed me, and it has remained. I feel truly lucky that Sahli is not at all threatened by that bond. He does not get jealous of it. He simply allows it, and is glad of it. My Mate is such a good man, and his trust is something I do cherish. He knows neither I nor Fonce would betray him. He also knows that my feelings for Fonce are those of family, not desire.

Fonce is hurting. The mystery of T'zuri haunts him, and he had hoped that I would have answers for him. It hurt that I had none. It hurt because she was my closest friend, and it hurt because he is the other of my closest friends. There is a special pain when someone you care for hurts and you are helpless to make it better. It feels a lot like a failure, even when you know that it is not your fault. I would have given anything to be able to give Fonce the peace of his answers. Not just for him, either. I would have given almost anything to know those answers for peace for all of us. I do not like failing my friends, but this mystery is one I don't think will ever be solved. It is as if she has simply evaporated into the winds never to return to us. Maybe that is best. I will just have to move on, and I will have to hope that he moves on to find happiness as well. The man deserves happiness in his life.