Thursday, June 18, 2009

Everyone Needs That Moment

" A friend is one to whom one may pour out all the contents of one's heart, chaff and grain together, knowing that the gentlest of hands will take and sift it, keep what is worth keeping and with a breath of kindness blow the rest away."
- Arabian Proverb

Fonce came walking past the wagon earlier, and the man looked like he had been laying under the herd when it was on the move. Seriously, I have seen Fonce look bad before but this was different. I called out to him, and I invited him for some of the stew. Sahli and I had already eaten, and there was more than enough left for him to have his share. He accepted, and for that I was glad. Even Fonce sometimes needs to know that he matters to his friends. He does matter. I know that he is very dear to Cana, and I know that I will always be grateful to him for the care he gave when he was my Guardian.

We spoke of Sahli, and of what had gone on the night before. It was the first time Fonce had seen Sahli like that, and truth it was the first time I had seen it quite that bad for my Mate. I spoke to him on what I knew, and shared with him that most of the time I can tell when the change happens in my Mate. Fonce said he would be coming by more. Maybe Sahli having friends, real friends, would help ground him. I have to agree. I know my Mate loves me, but I also know that there are just times when men need other men to speak with. Its like when I need other women. Either way, I also reminded Foce that I have an ear if he wishes to talk. Something drove him into the condition he is in, and I am most willing to listen.

That is what freinds do, and everyone needs that moment to remember - they are important.