Monday, February 4, 2008


is sad, not attractive.

I watch people. That much is a fact, and I have always watched them. I also know that we all want someone in our lives. We all want that connection. We all want to not be alone. That is normal, and it is human nature. I think, though, that some handle that want in a way that is only self destructive to them. It is fine to want something. We all do! It is not so fine to want it with such a deep desire for it that it no longer matters 'who' it is with, so long as it is had. It seems that the more that is reached for, the more someone tries to grasp on to it to cling to it, the more it will elude them. I don't understand it. I am far from an expert. I know that special bond came into my life when I was not looking for it, and I did not feel ready for it. It was the last thing on my mind.

I have watched some that are looking for it. They are looking for it with such an obviousness to them that it might as well be written upon their brows. They have flitted and bounced from one possibility to the next, sometimes barely leaving the span of a day between those they try to find it with. It makes me sigh, and I know that talking to them would do no good. It would only embarrass them, and because of that it would make them angry. I have to wonder if I should risk it though? I don't think they understand that they wear this desperation like a cloak for all to see. That very desperation is driving away the one thing that they want. They have reached for it with so many that no one they reach for knows if its really from her heart, or if it is from their desire to not be alone. Would any man do? How does one feel special when they know they are just the latest in a line of such things? I don't know. I do know that it is far from 'attractive'. Its sad. Very, very sad.