look at him.
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of. ~ Blaise Pascal
I wonder if I look that much in love when I look at Sahli? When I see T'zuri looking at Fonce its there all over her face. She glows as bright as any star in the sky with it. It makes her even more beautiful than she ever was. Now, don't get me wrong! T'zuri's always been a beautiful woman. That is a fact. I think its why some of the women in camp didn't like her. Women can be petty sometimes. T'zuri's always been beautiful. Its just when she looks at Fonce she is even more beautiful. I don't know how to explain it. I can't even pretend to understand her choice for submission, though I think I understand it a bit better now. I understand that love can make is do things we didn't think we would before. I know that now. I didn't then.
Its okay. I'm actually fine with her decision. Granted, she never needed my permission to make it. Its her life. Its Fonce's life, but I am absolutely fine with the decision now. I needed to know she was happy. I know that. I also saw her looking at him. More, I saw him looking at her. How could anyone resent that sort of strong emotion within two people? What kind of selfish bosk's arse would stand in the way of that? I love her. She's always going to be my friend. Our feet now tred different paths, but in a very real way they are on the same path. Its the path of love. Mine simply led me to be the mate of the man I love. T'zuri's path took a bit of a different curve. So what? Does it make her not T'zuri? No. Does it make Fonce not Fonce? No. It makes them two people who love each other. I think, maybe, two people who needed each other.
If I had any doubts, all it took was me seeing her look at him. Every doubt, every fear, every worry, and every selfish 'how could she do this' died when I saw that expression on her face. Now, I just have to get over there. I have at least a hand's worth of gossip to catch her up on!
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