can teach so much.
There is a place that Sahli showed me. It is a place special to him. It is where once our people would make camp in the winter before something made the water change its course. Changes like that happen on the Plains, and they are rather common. That's really not the point. There is a ravine in the ground, a split that seems to have been ripped open in the dirt itself that goes very deep down. The bridge over that gap fell. Luckily, thank the Skies, not with us ON it when it happened. It started to, but we both made it to the other side. That's another story all together.
This place is special to him, and now to me, so we decided to rebuild a new bridge to it. Its not a huge bridge. You could not take a wagon over it. You can walk it, and do so safely, but that's about it. It wasn't easy, but we worked together to build it. We talked while we worked, and that brought us closer together. I've thought of relationships between people as bridges before, but I've never thought of it so much that way as I do right now. When one bridge seems to shatter and fall apart, it is still possible to build a new one. It won't be the same bridge. It might not be as grand, or as strong as the old one once was. That doesn't mean its not a good bridge. That doesn't make it a bad thing. It just makes it different.
The night for us was one of discovery on many levels. It is a night I will never forget. There were many bridges built besides the one that can be used to cross that gap. There were several more built between he and I. Pathways back and forth between friends, lovers, and Mates. Each facet of our relationship holds its own bridges. I am glad we took the time to build them strong.
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