Thursday, February 14, 2008

She's testing her wings

and learning to fly.

“Be what you are. This is the first step toward becoming better than you are.”

Julias Charles Hare


I have spent some time with Leonette. Not as much as I would like to, but some time getting to know her. She seemed so lost at first, and so vulnerable. It seemed as if her emotions ran so raw that she just might shatter in a high wind. Now, I knew that wasn't the case. If it were she would already have shattered with the changes her life has brought to her. Those changes just left her feeling bare, and needing to find a way to put her feet back on the ground firmly. She felt a little lost, and anyone could see that. I have watched her in the past hands go from that shattered seeming person to someone that is, well I guess I would have to say she is in a state of 'becoming'. What? Well, we'll find out in time. Its wonderful to watch though!

Her footing seems more sure. Her smiles more real. Its as if she is pulling things together nicely. I have tried to be there even if its only to share company with her while she goes through this. I know what it can feel like to feel a bit lost and alone. Which of us doesn't if we are honest? Which of us has not had at least one time in our lives where we thought 'what now'? I am sure I will have more such times. When we reach a cross roads in our life, those times come to us. Its only natural. Its not having those times that defines the person. It is how they deal with them when they come that does. She is doing beautifully so far. I look forward to see what she will become from this phase of her life.