we build everything else on.
“The glue that holds all relationships together - including the relationship between the leader and the led is trust, and trust is based on integrity.” ~ Brian Tracy
Its such a tiny word. It is simply said, and yet it holds such a depth of meaning. It is something that is easily given the first time, but if broken it is so hard to give a second. It is something that can make or break any relationship be it between friends, siblings, or lovers. Yes, I am talking about trust here. What do we have without it? We have nothing. There can be no true meaning behind the relationships in our lives if we don't have trust, and strangely enough there is none when we don't give it. This came to me last night when I had to trust Sahli to lead me through the darkness only on trust. Oh, I trusted him! I just realized how hard it would have been to get to where we were going without that trust. Without it, we would have never made it to our destination. We would never have taken the first step on the trip.
Trust is such a little word for such a big thing. It is not just a building block, but it is the true foundation of everything. I want to be a Mate he can trust. I want to be a friend that can be trusted. I want to be a woman of good character that is trustworthy. I want to be these things because I want them in return. I want my Mate to trust me, and I want to trust him. We do trust each other, and I'd like to keep it that way. I want to be a friend that is trusted, and I wan to trust my friends. I want to be a woman who someone can say of to another 'she's trustworthy'. Why? Because I want trust worthy women IN my Tribe. I want to be able to trust and be trusted. Its really simple. In theory. I haven't had my trust violated in any significant ways, ever. When a friend has said they will do something, they have done it. When a family member has said something, I have been able to rely on it. I just realized how much I take this for granted. Its not something I thought of until in the middle of the darkness with only a hand I could not see to guide me.
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