pants for Fonce.
Now, I wonder how long it will take him to figure out that I told him he needed new pants to get him to stew over the fact that I thought he needed them? I know he played a trick on Sahli and I, and I know he enjoyed every ihn of it. I don't begrudge him that at all, and looking back on it I even find the whole of it funny. Not then, though. Then I was ready to just absolutely loose my mind. I'm sure I would have had it not been for T'zuri there beside me. See, I like Fonce. He really could use some new pants. Every Tuchuk man could use one more pair of pants. They get torn, they get worn out, they get damaged. Life is hard out here, and no one suffers from too many good pairs of britches to keep them warm in the winter time. That wasn't why I said it, though.
I wanted him to ponder and stew. Yes, I want him to know that someone cares enough to make him those pants for no other reason that well - he's Fonce. I also wanted him to stew on it for at least a few ehn simply for the stewing he put me and Sahli through. Was that mean of me? Maybe a little, but it was sure funny. He actually studied his pants just a bit. It was worth it. Oh, I made him the pants. They are made out of sturdy, but supple, leather. There are ways to tan leather so that it is soft and comfortable. It takes a bit longer, and its a bit more work -but its how I prefer to treat the leather that I'll be making into my own clothes. They probably won't be as comfy as his well broke in pants, but they won't feel like brand new leathers usually do either. Just a simple pair of black leather pants for him. That and the vest I finished. Another simple thing made of plain leather. Why? Because while everyone should have one or two things nice - what we really need is things that we'll use. I haven't seen him wear the first vest I made him, but this one is made of the same supple leather as his pants. Its simple, basic, and plain comfortable.
He might have made Sahli and I stew, but I made him check his backside to see if his leathers were torn. I'm guessing we're even now.
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