Sunday, February 17, 2008

Hang on

I won't drop you.

I finally got him to agree to speak to Fonce. I was right, Fonce was very interested. He even promised to have something to me by the night so that I could sleep without the nightmares that have bothered me. The story came out from Sahli, and yet I noticed he was leaving pieces out. Very important tidbits. Again, this is not how my mate behaves, but I let him tell the tale as he would. I then added my two bits worth. I told Fonce that often Sahli is not himself. He looks and sounds like Sahli, but its not Sahli. Fonce didn't call me crazy. He just nodded and got all thoughtful about things. It was decided we would go to the caves. Sahli would show him the caves. Off we set. It was Fonce, Sahli, myself, T'zuri and Blue. I felt this looming sense of dread the closer I went to that place, but I swallowed it. This was important, and we finally had the sort of help we needed.

Fonce, Sahli, and Blue went down into the tear in the ground while T'zuri and I stayed above by the ropes. Now, I couldn't see or hear what was going on down there. I know that at one point the prettiest yellow butterfly drifted up from the tear in the ground to land on the ropes that T'zuri and I were watching. Then it was eaten by a big, black bird. That bird would become important. It would become very important soon.

I don't know what happened. I heard screaming, and saw them hurry toward the ropes. They began climbing. Then the bird, the black one I mentioned, it started pecking on the one that Sahli was on. When I looked down, Sahli had stopped climbing, and he looked ready to fall. I have no idea where the strength came from, and I know that it hurt my hands pretty bad. I just did what I had to do. I started pulling with everything I had. When it wasn't enough, I dug deep inside and found more until he began to come up the cliff, one hort at a time. I called out to T'zuri, and I know she began to help. I only knew one thing for sure. I had to pull on that rope, and I had to get Sahli up from down there or I would loose him forever. I don't care where the strength came from, I'm just glad it was there when it was needed.

Soon Fonce was there, and he must have pushed me away because he started to pull on the rope. This is good, he was able to do it faster than I was anyway. I began to feed the rope to Blue who kept wrapping it about the post so that if Fonce lost his grip Sahli wouldn't fall further down. If Fonce hadn't made it when he did. No, I won't think about that. I won't let myself. Everyone is fine.