Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Anger is so...


There are some who might not believe this, but I have a bad temper. I have learned to control it most of the time. I don't ever want to say something to someone that I cannot take back. The hurt from words is no less than that from a knife or a lance, and sometimes it is even worse. I don't want to be responsible for that. I find that when that happens my anger hurts me as much, maybe worse, than the person it was directed to. I know that many might think that I don't have a temper because I keep it so strongly in check. Its not because I don't have one, but because the one I have can flare so bright. I have learned to leave it alone, to think about it, and come back to it when I am calm. I don't hurt others, and I don't hurt myself that way.

My anger has been trying to get the best of me lately. I don't know why, either. Maybe its all the ups and downs this winter has brought? Maybe its the loss of two so close, well actually four, in such a short time? I don't know. My temper has simmered close for days now. I just have to remind myself - anger, is ugly.