Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Do they enjoy

drawing blood with each poke time and again?

I have noticed that there are those that seem to simply enjoy picking at those that cannot, or will not, pick back. They seem to get a sick, and distasteful to me, joy out of their ability to keep on pricking long after they have drawn blood. I wonder if this is because they get some sense of power from it? What kind of power is that? Oh, I'm impressed! You have the power to be a bully. Awe inspiring. Yes, that was utterly sarcastic. I find it pathetic and rather sad, really. If their own sense of self-worth is slow low, so little, so insignificant that they cannot feel it without making someone else loose their own then that is a truly sad statement about them.

There is such a difference between speaking the truth and harping endlessly. I've seen so much of the latter lately that my stomach is sick with it. Its led me to reassess my thoughts about some people. I have never found strength to be the ability to make someone else feel low. I've found that true strength is in being able to guide while one guided feels their worth at the same time. Its easy to break down. It is in building up that the challenge lays. These are just the thoughts of a silly woman, though. Maybe this is how they get their kicks. Maybe it is how they find their enjoyment in a day. It must be a rather boring day for them to have to stoop to such a simplistic form of entertainment. How sad that this is the only joy they can find in their lives.

This this the thing, though. One day there is going to come a time when these same people are feeling low. They are going to have snipped, picked, and pricked at so many people that there will be no one left to lift them up. They will have alienated those that would have once extended the hand to help them and dust them off. What goes around comes around. When you dish out dirt you have to know that one day, one day you are going to eat it, too.