How do they all fit?
In life people show us themselves in snippets. The first pieces are usually those that they want you to see. The good pieces. Those pieces that are pretty and shiny. People rarely have a problem with those pieces of themselves being seen. Its those darker ones they don't want to show. Those pieces that are ugly with wear and tear, or jagged around the edges so that the prick and draw blood, those pieces are the ones that we don't ever see right away. They are the pieces we all have. Every person has pieces that they try to keep hidden away. Those pieces of temper, or self seen flaws. It doesn't have have to really 'be' a flaw for a person to see it as one and hide it away.
The trick is meshing all these pieces of a person together to see who they really are. Are we the shiny pieces that we show the world around us, or are we the darkest pieces we hide away? I tend to believe we are the sum total of the picture that all of these pieces are when joined together. The whole picture is always better than pieces anyway. Well, not always. There are those times that when the pieces are put together the picture becomes quite ugly. The funny thing is, we have the ability to change that picture. We can guide our own behaviors, and we can learn to let go of those dark pieces to trade for better ones. That is, if we want to.
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