Sunday, January 20, 2008

Where Is She?

I have looked for Mayala. I wanted to share with her the joy of my having been allowed to the First Fires. My days as a Prospect behind me, and my place is now earned. I wanted to thank her for her support and help. I cannot find her anywhere. I thought, at first, I was just missing her. We have played that game before. She arrives to the fires ehn after I leave, or I arrive ehn after she leaves. It is not a fun game, but it is one that everyone plays now and again.

I know things have not been as she would wish them. I have done my best not to involve myself in the private matters between her and Saresh. They are both my friends, and what happens within their wagon happens between them. It is impossible not to sense the tension between them, though. It is not that I don't care, because I truly do care. It is because I would wish privacy to deal with things that are family matters myself as well. It is a little thing called respect.

Where is she now, though? I have not seen her at her wagon, nor the stream, nor the fires. I have not met her in passing. I have simply not seen her. Its as if she is simply gone from the world. I will ask around. Maybe someone else has seen her. I cannot shake the feeling something is wrong with my friend. I cannot shake the feeling that I might not see her again. There has been so much death and loss already, maybe I am just over reacting?