There is a new woman at the fires. She is one of the same Clan as my grandmother was. She did a reading for me. I was curious. She cautioned me to spend a bit more time and worry on myself, and that didn't come as a surprise. I've often been known to get on a project and work through both meals and the night. I had to agree she had a point. That wasn't what left me feeling glum.
It was the other part of the reading. That someone I view as abraisive and overbearing would be coming back into my life. Between that statement, and the visit with my mother that revealed Yul and his brother are going to be approaching the First Wagons I know who she is talking about. Yul, the man who has been like a pebble in my boot since we were children.
I could almost feel the cold mud on my face the time he tripped me face first into the puddle. I could feel the upset when he cut my braid off and used it as a paint brush. The tricks he played, the antics he committed all reared up and left me in a very surly mood. He was bad enough as a boy, what is he going to be like as a man? I have spent most of my most recent years avoiding him unless I had no choice. I won't deny he is smart and wiley. He is good on a kaiila, and from what my brothers say he is good with his weapons. That doesn't make him someone I want to spend any more time around than I must. He might be good for the First Wagons, only time will tell that. I won't try to trip him or his brother up on that quest, but that doesn't mean I have to be nice to him either.
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