“Character contributes to beauty. It fortifies a woman as her youth fades. A mode of conduct, a standard of courage, discipline, fortitude, and integrity can do a great deal to make a woman beautiful.” ~ Author Unknown
Tuchuk women are things of beauty. I am not talking fair of face and form, though surely there are none so lovely as a born Tuchuk woman. I am talking about something far more important. I am talking about a beauty of soul and spirit that cannot be duplicated by any other people, anywhere. We are strong. We are no less fierce than the men of our tribe. We are just as wily, and maybe more so. The Plains are harsh. There is no room out here for people that are weak in spirit, mind, heart or body. We might show our beauty of spirit in different ways, but none of us lack that beauty. We are each different, as the petals of a flower or the flakes of snow that fall in the frigid night. Each of us is unique, and each of us is a vital part of our tribe.
We do not need to be just like the other. That is part of the mystery of life. Our strengths are diverse, and they compliment one another greatly. If we were all good at the 'same' things, then who would do the things that we were not good at? Some of us are better listeners. Some of us have the knack to slice right to the heart of a matter in very few words. Some of us can find the right, pretty words to make a point without raising someone's defenses. We each have our traits, but it is combined that our true strength shows. Each of us remains strong in our own right, but we are 'mighty' in combined forces. The trick is finding one's niche, and then being true to themselves. Do not change just because someone thinks you should, change only when you feel that by growing and changing you become a better person. Not everyone is going to like everyone else. That doesn't mean they do not 'respect' one another. Like and respect mean two entirely different things.
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