The Potter is gone. No more will I see her lovely works of art being made, or bringing joy to so many. I am adjusting to that fact. We all are. There is no real other choice. She is gone, and we are still here. The dawns still come, and lift goes on. This is a truth that we all learn eventually. Life can be harsh, and people close to us are going to die. It doesn't mean we did not love them because we are able to keep up with the rhythm of life. It means that we understand that our lives are not over just because someone else's is. It doesn't mean I loved Zarina any less. It means that I understand the facts of life.
I have spent some time with the Weaver. Aiyana is a woman who has the ability to put the spirit at ease. She has a quiet strength in her that is like a warm blanket on a cold night. Just being near her last night helped me feel less alone and more like my old self. It was good, and it was relaxing. I do not even know if she knows the calming way she has about her, but I was grateful for that aspect of her personality. I will miss the Potter. There are going to be times that I still look for her even though I know that she is not going to come. One does not forget those people that have left foot prints in our lives. I will also continue to live my life with joy. There is no other right way to remember her. If her loss caused a grief so bad that life stopped then I would do her memory no honor. If Zarina was anything, she was a woman that loved life to its fullest. She embraced her life with both arms. I can do no less.
I have spent some time with the Weaver. Aiyana is a woman who has the ability to put the spirit at ease. She has a quiet strength in her that is like a warm blanket on a cold night. Just being near her last night helped me feel less alone and more like my old self. It was good, and it was relaxing. I do not even know if she knows the calming way she has about her, but I was grateful for that aspect of her personality. I will miss the Potter. There are going to be times that I still look for her even though I know that she is not going to come. One does not forget those people that have left foot prints in our lives. I will also continue to live my life with joy. There is no other right way to remember her. If her loss caused a grief so bad that life stopped then I would do her memory no honor. If Zarina was anything, she was a woman that loved life to its fullest. She embraced her life with both arms. I can do no less.
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